Ancient Transpacific Contacts

Between 1920 and 1930, weapons made ​​of flint pieces such as the Folsom point and clovis, were unearthed in New Mexico. The clovis were particularly striking because they were found within the bones of extinct animals. In 1925, American archaeologist Nels Nelson discovered wedge-shaped stone tools in the Gobi Desert, Mongolia, and later on, very similar stone tools were discovered in Alaska.

Flint pieces, chalcedony, or quartz were the type of hard minerals that were cut into a split-shaped tip.

Using the clovis to hunt the wooly mammoth, hunters forced them off the cliff to defeat their prey.


Wedged-shaped stone tools

The archaeologists also excavated over 270 specimens with engraved symbols in the Yangshao Culture ruins, which can be further divided into 50 different symbols. In addition, among the 119 specimens unearthed in the Banpo ruins, there were 22 different kinds of symbols. The majority of symbols were carved before the ceramic was burned, whereas some were carved after burning the ceramic or after being used for a period of time. Furthermore, carved pottery symbols were also found in the Dawenkou Culture and south of the Liangzhu Culture.

Note: Song Yaoliang, Zhong guo shi qian shen ge ren mian yan hua

Ritual Dance

(Guangxi Zuojiang Flower Mountain Cliff Murals)


(Inner Mongolia Yinshan Rock Engravings)

Horses facing each other

(Inner Mongolia Yinshan Rock Engravings)

Sun-shaped faces on petroglyphs (China - Zhuo Zi Shan Shao Shaogou)

Sun-shaped faces on petroglyphs

(British Columbia, Canada)

Sun-shaped faces on petroglyphs (Western Coast of North America)

Hunting Bison

(Gansu Black Mountains Rock Engravings)

The Majiayao Culture engraving symbols on ceramic (painted)

Eight Pointed Star

Famous Chinese Ethnologist Mr. Liu Yaohan pointed out that one of the American Indian tribes originated from the Yunnan area in ancient times. He discovered that the Chinese Yi Ethnic Tribe’s “Ten Month Solar Calendar” and “Eighteen Month Calendar”, which has a history of tens of thousands of years, share many similarities with the Mayan “Eighteen Month Calendar”.

Our forefathers in ancient times regarded the sun’s rays as 'arrows’. Jade found in Hanshan, Anhui Province, featured an Eight Pointed Star pattern with 'Arrows' representing the sun's rays. The sun points in all four directions, representing the four seasons and 8 main solar terms. The "I Ching" mentions that the "Li" trigram represents the sun. People from ancient times also mentioned that “Li” represents the eight directions, which can be interpreted that the sun has eight directions. This in turn, means that the sun has “eight rays” or “Eight Points”. This is how the sun become the “Eight Pointed Star”. The fact that the “Li” trigram contains “eight directions” becomes the symbol for the sun as the “Eight Pointed Star”.

Note: Sun Xinzhou, The Path of the Eight Pointed Star and the Chinese Footprint

Eight pointed star symbol on ancient pottery (Chinese Qingliangang culture)

Eight pointed star symbol on painted pottery (Ecuador)

North American Indian eight pointed star textile

Taiwan Aborigine eight pointed star textile


20,000 to 30,000 years ago, people journeyed across the Bering Strait to the New World. During this process, they were said to have brought over a variety of cultural backgrounds. From this rich basis of culture, similar societies were formed at different places and different times. This included the Bronze Age civilization that occurred two to three thousand years ago in China, the Mayan civilization in Mexico, and other similar civilizations.

Note: KC Chang, Qingtong Huichen

Apart from Shang Dynasty and Pacific Rim cultures sharing many similarities, the Shang/Zhou human and beast relationship present in bronze relics resembled that of ancient American relations. KC Chang believed that in the picture of “man inside a beast”, the beast was the "shaman’s assistant and a close companion", accompanying the Shaman to reach the heavens together.

Note: KC Chang Qingtong Huichen

Bolivian Indigenous tribe clothing

Chinese Yunnan ethnic minority clothing

Olmec stone carving of a man-tiger

Yin/Shang stone of a man-tiger

South American Chavin Culture Tiger Shaped Pottery

Tiger “eating” a man, wine vessel (Shang)

Tiger “eating” a man (Olmec)

Rock Art

Ancient petroglyphs found around the Pacific-Rim included worshipping the sun and moon, mountain and river, procreation, ancestors and totems etc. This can be seen as ancestors migrating from Asia to the Americas while spreading ancient shaman culture, thus leaving a mark in history.

Regarding the origin of the Microlithic Age, Jia Lanpo believed that it originated in Northern China ... the routes could have spread from Ningxia, to Inner Mongolia, the Northeastern part of Mongolia and China, Eastern Siberia, and finally through the Bering Strait into North America.

Note: Jia Lanpo, When did people Arrive on the American Continent?

Anhui Hanshan unearthed jade piece with an eight pointed star pattern


Archaeologists have recently noticed that there are a number of similarities between East Asian and American art. It has provoked scholars to be involved in a hotly debated theory that people from Asia who sailed eastward may have made contributions to the New World. The Shang Dynasty in China, the Olmec civilization in Mexico, and the Chavin civilization in Peru all worship the tiger god. Both Shang and Olmec priests built similar ceremonial altars. When conducting religious ceremonies, they both use a small reflective mirror.

Note: Jonathan Norton Leonard, Ancient America

Stone Carving of Olmec Child Sacrifice

Olmec Cinnabar/Jade Figurine (Female Shaman)

The Search for Pacific-Rim Cultural Roots

American scholars Gordon Ekholm and Betty Meggers, Chinese scholars Jia Lanpo, Ling Cunsheng and Xu Songshi suggested a shared origin may have existed between ancient American and Chinese civilizations. Chinese Maritime historian Fang Zhongpu pointed out that ancient Chinese repeatedly sailed across the Pacific to reach the American continent. In addition, Dr. Joseph Needham of University of Cambridge and Lu Gwei-Djen believed the American Indian culture was not complete without influence by the Asian continent. Harvard University professor of Archeology and Anthropology, Dr. KC Chang discussed about the "Mayan-Chinese Culture Continuum”. He believed the ancestors of mankind that passed through the Bering Strait from Asia to the Americas were a well-developed culture. Furthermore, the Shang civilization and Mayan Civilization of Mesoamerica can be seen as the descendants of the same ancestors.

In 1907, a Japanese scholar, Shiratori Kurakichi, published a thesis, Regarding the Fusang Kingdom, and suggested that the Sailing of Shang’s Adherents crossed through the Korean Peninsula when sailing towards the Americas. In 1910, Envoy Ouyang Geng was also entrusted by Oracle Bone Masters Wang Guowei and Luo Zhenyu to investigate the “Sailing Eastward of Shang’s Adherents” story. Later on, Ouyang Geng’s fourth son, Ouyang Keliang, became proficient in oracle interpretation from his father, Guo Moruo and Dong Zuobin, so that he could find out more about the “Sailing of the Shang’s Adherents towards America”. In 1956, Japanese Professor Kobayashi Fumio and Guo Moruo  heard from Ouyang Keliang recount the time his father, Ouyang Geng, talked about when the king of the the Yin/Shang dynasty, invaded the Dongyi, Huaiyi and Huyi territories in the east; the king of the neighboring Zhou Dynasty, Wuwang, seized the chance to attack them from the west. Trapped with the only sea in front of them and the advancing troops of the Zhou Dynasty, King Hou Si of the Yin/Shang led a hundred thousand troops along with their families and disappeared. Their disappearance is still a historical mystery. It was deduced that the Shangs had escaped by sea and arrived in Latin America.

Note: Ouyang Keliang / Wang Dayou / Song Baozhong,  Chinese Ancestors Discovering Americas

The unearthing of the 16 Olmec jade figures and 6 jade celts in La Venta

The ceremonial center of La Venta Olmec ruins unearthed sixteen jade statues that looked very similar to Chinese people, in terms of the faces of these statues and the elongated head due to artificial modification. The elongated head also bears similarity to the Shang Dynasty custom. The sixteen statues crowd around six jade celts. These celts have engravings that are similar to Yin Oracle inscriptions. According to Wang Dayou’s research, these jade celts engraving contained the names of the people of Shang ancestors. Mike Xu had a different interpretation, and further made​a comparison of Olmec text symbols with the Shang and Zhou text, to which Fanyu acknowledged. These statues and jade celts that were unearthed in the worship center was thought to represent an ancestor worship ceremony.

The History of “Sailing Eastward of Shang’s Adherents”

Special characters on the six Olmec Jade Celts

Sino-Latin American Ancient Encounters


Wei Juxian
Zhu Qianzhi
Joseph Needham
Xu Songshi
Lin Cunsheng
Lu Gwei Djen 1904~1991Lu_Gwei_Djen_2.html
Jia Lanpo
Gordon F. Ekholm (1909 - 1987)Gordon_F._Ekholm_2.html


Glyn Daniel 
Hendon M. Harris, Jr. (1916 - 1981)Hendon_M._Harris,_Jr._2.html
Betty Meggers (1921~2012)Betty_Meggers_2.html
Liu Yaohan
(1922〜2012) Liu_Yaohan.html
Fang Zhongpu
(1922~  )Fang_Zhongpu.html
Michael Coe
(1929~  )Michael_Coe_2.html
KC Chang
(1931~ 2001)KC_Chang.html
Qiao Jian
(1935~  )Qiao_Jian.html

In 2006, Peace Media President Sunny Kuo (Right 3) along with two Chinese Scholars, Song Baozhong (Left 1) and Wang Dayou (Left 2), was invited by General Secretary of the Andean Community Mr. Freddy Ehlers (Right 1), to participate in Andean investigations and exchanges. Here, they are visiting the the Ecuador National Archaeological Museum with vice curator and researcher, Estelina (middle).

In 2012, Peace Media President Sunny Kuo (Right 1) and Ecuador Consul General in China, Mariella Molina (Left 1) visited “Quitsato”, an ancient astronomy center, with the Director of the Quitsato Center, Mr. Cristobal Cobo (middle)

Jade Celts

Meggers noted that the Olmec culture starts about -1200 while the Shang goes back to -1750 or so; consequently the many similarities which she saw- jade, writing, zero, calendar, cylinder seals, site orientations, batons of authority like keui, feline masked jaguar gods like thao-thieh etc.- could be, at least in part, derivative.

Note: Joseph Needham, Lu Gwei-Djen, Trans-Pacific Echoes and Resonances; Listening Once Again

Kuroshio Current

Regarding the subject of when the Shang People were at sea, according to an unearthed record, the Xiao Chen Mi Yin wrote "It occurred a month after the tenth month... when the war reached the brink of the ocean (following the collapse of the Yin/Shang Dyansty, the remaining army arrived here),"a month after the tenth month”, refers to October in the the modern Gregorian calendar. Originally, the Yin/Shang army intended to sail eastward, but northeasterly winds blew them off course towards the Bohai south coast, forcing them along the south coastal streams. Yin/Shang army could only rely on the wind and drifted along the coast of Zhejiang Zhoushan Archipelago. Surprisingly, they encountered a side current that flows throughout the year, and directed them towards Japan. Following this current eastward, they reached the southern seas of Japan and subsequently connected to the Kuroshio current. The Kuroshio current acted as a natural bridge, eventually connecting them towards the American continent. Any boat on this ocean current will involuntarily drift eastward. This is the only north Pacific route that leads to the Americas. There is no other way. The Kuroshio current in the Pacific Ocean resembles a “river”. Its width is 30 nautical miles,  with an average water depth of 400 meters. The boats’ travel speed along this "river" depends on the wind. If wind is present, then boats will travel fast, but without wind, the boats will slowly drift along with the current. When the boats reached 40 to 50 degrees north latitude, they connected to the North Pacific current. The boats at this point, will follow this current eastward, and can be described as "smooth sailing".

Note: Fang Zhongpu: Sailing to the Americas and the Maritime Silk Road

Special Envoy Ouyang Geng (Qing Dynasty)

Yunnan Chuxiong Yi ethnic tribe 10 Month Solar Calendar Square

Chinese eight pointed star in prehistoric times

South American eight pointed star textile

In 2006 Peace Media President Sunny Kuo investigated Tihuanaco Ruins in Bolivia

In 2006 Peace Media President Sunny Kuo investigated Machu Picchu ruins in Peru

In 2012, Peace Media President Sunny Kuo investigated the Mayan Palenque Ruins in Mexico

In 2012, Peace Media President Sunny Kuo investigated the Chavin de Huantar Ruins

Ouyang Keliang

Wedged-shaped stone tools